Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 1 Day 5

On the schedule for today is "30 Minutes Easy".

I woke up at 6:30 and headed out the door for a 30 minute run through the neighborhood. I ran 2.62 miles and felt ok. As you may have noticed by my times I am not looking to break any records. The schedule also called for "easy" and my pace was 11:27. I'm pleased with that considering I've only been running a year and my very first mile I ever ran last summer took 20 minutes. I think I've come a long way.

After the run, I headed to Boot camp and we worked on our core. We would balance on one foot while lifting weights with the alternate hand and did so many different variations of push-ups (I do girly ones on my knees) that I rubbed skin off my knees while on my yoga mat. My knees bother me when I do lunges and push ups but are fine while running. I always thought my knees would bother me while running since I've had orthoscpoic surgery on one of them twice as a teen. Low and behold they hold up fine on the runs. That may change as my distance increases.

I'm pretty beat after a 1.5 hour work out but glad I did it!


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