Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 1 Day 2

Today's marathon training called for a 15 minute "easy" run. I had every intention of getting up at 6:30 a.m. and running before we left for Church at 8:45 a.m.. I didn't! I slept in. I had to wake up at 4:45 a.m. the day before for Day 1 of training and felt I deserved to sleep as late as possible on Sunday. My thought was I can run tonight when the sun starts to set. I forgot that it was game 6 for the basketball championship. I'm not a normal basketball watcher but when your team is in the finals you should show support :-)

We went to Church and after lunch decided to have some people over to watch the Mavs vs. Miami Heat. I knew if I didn't run before the game that it would be to late to run after. So, at 5:00 p.m. I head out for my run. I decided to do 2 miles instead of 15 minutes. It took me 23 minutes and was the LONGEST and HOTTEST run of my life. I thought I might have heat stroke! This run showed me that I need to get up early to run or risk heat stroke. The run was misserable. The first mile wasn't too bad because it was mostly shaded by trees. Mile 2 stunk. It was all sun and I could feel my body fatiguing and slowing down.

My body does not like the heat or sun beating down on it while trying to exercise. I'm hoping this experience will get my lazy tush out of bed instead of procrastinating.

After the run I showered and cleaned up and enjoyed a wonderful evening with friends watching the Mavs BEAT the Heat! 105 to 95..way to go Dallas Mavs!!!


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