Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jeepers Creepers....

Don't know why I titled my post this but that is what came to mind. This week started off with Connor getting sent home from school at 2:30 on Monday, I took him to the doctor Tuesday and he has strep. Keith went to the doctor on Wednesday and he has strep. Connor went back to the doctor today for a bad cough and they think it is situational asthma. I have to monitor if he coughs at night or during physical activity. They sent us home with a prescription of prednisone. It's a steroid my mom took and we always referred to it as her crazy pills. So we will have to keep watch and take him back in for further testing.

Courtney is worried about getting sick, she is staying away from Connor, she has a very important sleep over birthday party for her friend this weekend, can't miss that!

I submitted an offer today and it was accepted by the listing agent and seller's, as-is. They didn't counter or anything. I wish all contracts were this easy. Now, to make it through the inspection and then onward to closing. The closing is scheduled for March 21st, my sweet baby Connor's birthday!

Keith and I are going to the Dave Ramsey seminar in Dallas on Saturday. We can't wait! It should be awesome. We have been following his "Total Money Makeover" for over a year now and seen so MUCH progress. It certainly is nice to not have finances always looming over your head. We still have a ways to go but this program has made life so much better! I've got the book if anyone wants to borrow it! It truly is life changing.

Hope everyone is doing well! Chat more later!


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