Friday, May 2, 2008

A real office

We got a GREAT deal on a new desk for Keith. We have been looking for a while and then got an email forwarded to me from another realtor with the desk set for sale. We love it and it fills up the office the way it should. Here are pictures of the old desk and new one.

Here is the old desk purchased 11 years ago from the Oak Mill in Plano.

The second picture is the new one and it is made by Hooker Furniture. It is massive but doesn't look so in these pictures. The credenza and hitch is about 8 feet tall and the desk in front weighs about 400 lbs. I was affraid Kevin and Greg would get a hernia.

Connor headed over to Mason's for a sleepover and Courtney was going to have a sleepover with a friend but came home from playing with a stomach ache. No fever just an upset tummy. Poor girl! I am going to a movie with Kim and Kymmy, Made of Honor. I can't wait.


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