Sunday evening was a very special evening. My husband was ordained as a Deacon at our Church. I am so proud of him and excited about how are family can serve the Lord.
The process for this special evening began months ago. In August, he was notified that he had been nominated. There was a very thorough questionnaire that had to be completed about himself, our family and our beliefs. The questionnaire was reviewed by the current Deacons and the Senior Ministry Staff at the Church. We were then contacted by a couple of the Deacons to set up a home interview. Two gentlemen that currently serve as Deacons came out to the home and talked with both Keith and I. At this time we both shared our testimony with the gentlemen and answered any questions they had in regards to the questionnaire that had been previously filled out. After a few more weeks we were contacted to have Keith attend a 3 week class, it met for two hours for three Sundays. Then came the BIG day. Deacon Ordination. We had NO clue what to expect that evening. It was one of the most touching evenings that I've ever had. It started off with breaking up into small groups. The groups included current Deacons, Deacon candidates, their wives and involved sharing with the group your testimony. It is amazing to see the different ways God works in each of our lives and how different each person's testimony is. It also showed how God never gives up on us and while we are each sinners his love and forgiveness is always there. Next, we headed into the house of worship and enjoyed singing some old hymns with Dennis George and wife Sharon and a special message delivered by Joe Patton. They then called each of the Deacon candidates and their wives up to the front of the Church. They had chairs spread out in front for the wives to sit in and next to each wife the Deacon candidate kneeled next to her. They then called the current Deacon body up and they laid hands on each wife and candidate and voiced prayers. It was absolutely amazing and humbling. The outpouring of love is one that I will never forget.
Keith's mom and grandmother were able to attend. We are so thankful that they could make it.
I also had to grab a picture of Keith with our Pastor John Mark Caton.
We are amazed and stunned at where God has led us. God has been working in our lives and we are excited about what the future holds.
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17
Park City Utah
2 years ago
God is so good! Congrats to Keith and your family for this awesome honor to serve Him!
Congratulations, Keith! I am so proud of you and I know God will use you for amazing things! You have blessed my life in so many ways. . .thank you so much! God Bless!
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