Saturday, May 15, 2010


Keith turns 40 in a few short weeks. In celebration of this milestone I had to throw him a party. A surprise party! I thought about what to do for weeks then it dawned on me. I knew he would want to do something that the kids could be included. Courtney is daddy's lil girl and she would have been heart broken if she didn't get to be in on his big day.

We love going out on Lake Grapevine with our dear friend's the Huffman's. They live so close to the lake they can walk to it. They are also thoughful enough each summer to invite our family out to enjoy a day of tubing, picnicing and boating.

So, I rented a party barge on lake grapevine to celebrate his birthday, 3 weeks early. The one downfall was that I wasn't able to invite everyone I wanted to due to a limit on passengers. So, I apologize if you didn't receive an invite.

The surprise was a huge success, it turns out my friends, family and I can lie to my husband very well. :-)

Here are some pictures from that fun day.


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